An internet search led Don and Judith to Penobscot Shores. They realized that Belfast had a familiar draw having visited for the past fifteen years, and a smaller community would fit their lifestyle. Judith especially wanted to live near the water. “Our pond at home didn’t quite cut it,” Don quips, “especially when the water level drops by four feet in August.” Don called Penobscot Shores for details about the community and learned that a waterfront cottage was available. Within a week, the couple flew to Maine. A few days later, they were under contract. The couple has joined a local church and many community organizations in the area. Don served as a member of the Board of Directors of Penobscot Shores. “Our lives are as full as they were back home. We believe in community involvement,” Don says with a grin.

“We chose Penobscot Shores as our independent living home for several reasons. We had reached the stage of life where shoveling snow, doing landscaping and taking care of the lawn were becoming difficult. The handling of ice and snow were particularly onerous. The other residents provide sociability and comradeship; we have many friends at Penobscot Shores and enjoy dining with them. We come from many different backgrounds and it is interesting to share our experiences. Our dining room was one of the pleasant surprises at Penobscot Shores. Guests often say, “You have the best restaurant in town!” and we believe it is true. One of the important reasons we chose Penobscot Shores was the fact that the retirement community is managed by Waldo County Healthcare Management Company. The management company provides many services to Penobscot Shores and it is comforting to know that the Waldo County General Hospital is nearby.”