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If you were a resident, here are some of the activities that you could be enjoying:
Ongoing Activities
- Chair Yoga every Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Live & via Zoom)
- Mexican Train Dominoes, Mondays & Fridays at 1:30 PM
- Full Yoga on Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Hair Salon (by appointment)
- Coffee Talk every Friday at 9 AM
- Knitters or Knot Gathering every Friday at 1 PM
- Beekeepers Meeting or Hive Inspection
- Gardening
- Kayaking
- Beekeeping
Videos of Activities that you might enjoy:
1/2020 Mainers on the Titanic with Mac Smith
10/2019 Oktoberfest with Diane Bean
9/2019 Wonderful World of Bees with Jennifer Lund & Peter Cowin
8/2019 Penobscot Nation – Influence of Native Americans with Chris Sockalexis
7/2019 Managing Chronic Pain with Dr. Susan M. Hage
2/2019 Maine Birds, Birdsongs & Blooms with Gary Roberts
1/2019 Made in Belfast with Belfast Historian Megan Pinette
10/2018 Choosing Vitality: Herbs Medicinal Foods & Living the Good Life
9/2018 Vertigo & Dizziness
8/2018 Advance Care Planning
7/2018 Penobscot Shores Honey Bees